Enjoy the same smooth rendering you get with your computer.View, practice or present wherever life takes you Jeff Wakefield, VP of Sales Enablement at Verifone “Prezi empowered our sales force to effectively communicate everything we’re trying to do as a company.” Andy Barrons, Chief Marketing Officer at Navis “With Prezi, meetings with clients have become not just a presentation but a memorable experience.” Prezi Viewer for iPhone or iPad means you’re always ready to deliver. Seated next to a killer prospect on the flight home? You can present your saved prezis offline, so you’ll never miss a connection.

Traveling to a big pitch or meeting? Why not use the transit time to run through your presentation on your phone or tablet? Once you arrive, connect through Apple TV’s Airplay to present live to your colleagues both online and offline. Got a presentation but no time to practice? Prezi Viewer is a free app that lets you view and present your prezis wherever, whenever.

Prezi Viewer - Practice, watch, and present prezis anywhere.